Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fashion News, plus More on Miley, the Kennedys and Rolling Stone

Tyra Banks and friend after doing some shopping.
Potparrazi caught Tyra Banks exiting a medical marijuana dispensary in Venice Beach on Saturday carrying a brown bag and escorted by a hunky blonde (photo at right).

This may be something new for the 39-year-old "America's Next Top Model" host, who told Jimmy Kimmell in 2011, "I'm just flying on a nature high!"

Perhaps marijuana use is why Banks is so much nicer than fellow model Naomi Campbell, who pleaded guilty in 2007 to throwing a cellphone at her former maid. Marijuana ought to be mandatory for Campbell.

In other fashion news, skier Lindsey Vonn (below) was pulled off the red carpet at the Fashion Awards event in New York City on June 5 by the US Anti-Doping Agency. Vonn, who is training for the 2014 Winter Olympics, was taken to the bathroom by USADA officials who demanded a urine sample on the spot.

Lindsey Vonn on the way to her drug test.
Meanwhile, Miley Cyrus calls alcohol "way more dangerous than marijuana" in an upcoming issue of Rolling Stone. A new edition of Marijuana is SAFER: So Why Are We Driving People To Drink? ought to spark more of a debate on that topic, as should a recently published German paper about alcohol use by young people and its effect on later drinking.

Melissa Etheridge penned a June 4 opinion piece for CNN that had these wise words:

These days our society is experiencing a new open-mindedness. We are beginning to break away from the old fears that governed our parents' world. We do not automatically fear someone because of the color of his or her skin. We do not fear for our children if homosexuals are living in the neighborhood. And we do not fear that smoking pot will necessarily lead to a life of ruin. 

I believe it is time to shine a light on the old "Reefer Madness" fears. Let's legitimize cannabis sales so that our youth are as protected from illegal pot as they are from illegal alcohol and tobacco sales. Legitimize the growers so that pot can have regulations and I know I am supporting American businesses and not outlaws when I purchase it. 

Finally, Caroline Kennedy sat on a jury that acquitted a man charged with selling crack to an undercover officer and Bill Maher took on Patrick Kennedy for being untrue to the Kennedy legacy.

P.S. Don't miss the Rolling Stone "Weed" issue, on the stands now (though I haven't seen any contributions by or about women, except for "The Hollywood Princess Who Keeps Snoop Blazed."

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